Wednesday, March 20, 2013

March 20, 2013

Dear Diary, Winter is finally taking it's toll on me.  Since I tend to be a low energy person I like winter, but ENOUGH ALREADY! I love the hunkering down in the cold and dark, the resting and nesting, the steaming bowls of chili and stew with warm bread, the flickering of candle light in the long evenings, stitching on a quilt or hardanger project, cuddling up in cozy sweaters and  warm blankets. But now I have to say I'm quite ready for new life and growth to break through the cold and snow.  This week at the Cancer Center where I work we had dozens and dozens of daffodils delivered, courtesy of an annual fund raiser sponsored by the American Cancer Society. It was a much needed sign of hope for spring.  (Even though I had to admire them from a distance.  They caused my nose to run and eyes to water.)

Flowers are a sign of hope in so many ways. And we don't take them for granted in North Dakota!  Bring on the spring!

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