Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Sweet, Simple Things

1.  Having a root canal be a half-way pleasant experience due to the kindness and efficient expertise of my dentist.  I don't have good teeth and I've had more than one bad experience with a dentist. It makes me appreciate the good ones! 

 2.  Having lunch with my 85 year old aunt Ardy.  She is sharp as a tack and has boundless energy.  She continues to live on the farm that my great-grandparents homesteaded.  We talked about how years ago folks lived in sod huts out on the prairie in winters that were as bad or worse than this one.  No plumbing, no electricity, no Internet! Raising large families in one room.  I wonder how many of us would survive.  I'm not sure I could have.

3.  The freedom to gather in public with other women and men and express my opinion.

4.   Malted Milk Easter Eggs!  I love Malted Milk Easter Eggs!

5.   Looking forward to seeing my sons and their wives this week-end.  David and Jenilee on Friday and Sam, Sophia and Parker on Saturday.  My cup will be running over!  Stay tuned for details.

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