Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Birthday Boogie

A few weeks ago Lenny asked me what I wanted to do for my birthday.  I said I'd have to think about it.  Listening to music on my way to work the next morning, it hit me.  I wanted to go dancing! Lenny is a very good dancer and I'm in perpetual training. He's got rhythm and coordination, I've got two left feet. But I sure do enjoy him holding me in his arms and gliding me around the floor. Usually our dancing is in the kitchen, but for my birthday I wanted to go to a real dance joint and be twirled to live music. He agreed to take me last Saturday night.  My brother and his wife went with us and we had a grand time. I danced my way into another year of life. Lord willing, I'll be on the dance floor for many more years!

(Not the best photo of Lenny, but it was a good one of me. It was  my birthday, after all!)

1 comment:

  1. You are right, that is a great photo of you. What a great way to celebrate your birthday!
