Sunday, February 10, 2013

Salty Sal

I hate house cleaning.  I put it off as long as possible.  I have better things to do with my time. What's the point?  It's a thankless job, never ending, never quite good enough, always another grimy corner needing to be scrubbed.  I know women who are cleaning machines; fanatic, in my opinion. What a waste of a life. Where did we women get the idea that our worth is based on the cleanliness of our homes? Every once in awhile I force myself to clean our house. I haul out the Pine Sol, the Pledge, the mop, and the Windex.  I put Pinky and the SnakeShakers on the CD Player. While Pinky belts out my favorite tune, "It Only Takes a Little Whiskey to Make A Good Woman Mean" I round up dust bunnies and chip away at soap scum.  I shake out rugs and sort through piles of accumulated stuff, miserable every minute.  We're all going to be dust in the end, anyway.  We might as well learn to live with it!

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