Monday, November 19, 2012

Salty Sal

Today I'm thankful for alcohol.  Yes, that's what I said, alcohol.  Not rubbing alcohol, but the kind you drink to get a buzz.  Nothing greases a social situation better than a little booze. Brings a boring party to life and makes a good party even better. Now I don't believe in sloppy drunk or mean drunk or weepy drunk. Just enough to get the conversation going and people laughing. I also like a little glass of wine in the evening.  I kick back in my easy chair and let the day melt away. It's better for the heart and blood pressure and mind than any prescription the doctors have ever given me. Not much, just a splash (or two). I believe in what 'ol Willy Nelson sang, "There are more old drunks than old doctors". And it's not just Willy.  It says in the Bible that God gave us wine to gladden our hearts. Don't ask me what verse, I'm not Billy Graham, but I know its there because the clerk at the liquor store told me.  
You can count on me to bring wine to the Thanksgiving table.

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