Sunday, November 4, 2012

November 4, 2012

Dear Diary, It was an OK week-end.  Funny how I look forward to Friday every day of the week and then when the week-end arrives the high expectations of fun, relaxation, staying in touch with family, turning my house into a sparkling castle, spending time with my husband, organizing bills and bookwork, doing needlework, and socializing with friends are always bound for guilt and disappointment.  There just isn't enough time in 48 hours! So how     did I spend this past week-end? On Saturday I slept until 9:30 AM.
How could I do that? I had so much to do! So, I hurried, got   
ready, and Lenny and I went to an auction.  A friend of ours was auctioning off a huge collection of antiques and collectibles.  His wife had died a year ago and togther, over the years, they had collected a mountain of nice old things.  I'm sure they were quite valuable and brought a good deal of money but I mostly felt sad that she was gone and now her things were going to the highest bidder. On Sunday Lenny and I spent the afternoon cleaning out our basement.  It got flooded a year ago and we're finally getting down to the business of cleaning up.  We've been in this house for only 4 years and we were amazed at how much we had accumulated.  I think that every time I bring something new over the threshold I should take something out! It gets me thinking about what "things" are important and what "things" are not.  I can't say I've come to any conclusions.  Some of my thoughts, however, are that I think beauty is important, I think things that have symbolism to me are important, I think some family heirlooms are important, I think some things that bring comfort and joy are important.  I think books are important. I'd be interested to know what other people think is important to keep and what to throw or give away.  What do I want to go on the auction when I die, what do I want my family to keep? I know, this is deep and heavy thinking for a week-end, but that's how I roll. 

1 comment:

  1. I've been thinking about "things" as well lately. Mike always asks for a list of things I want for Christmas. I'm thinking of making a list of things he could take away! I have too much stuff, yet, so much of it is sentimental to me. Well, I guess that if I have so many things that make me feel happy, that means I've been blessed with a life with a lot of good memories.
