Sunday, October 28, 2012

Salty Sal

Now, I am NOT a political person.  I have more important things to think about, like what I'm going to make to go with the meatloaf for supper and figuring out how which buttons to push in my car to turn on the heat.  Those kind of things take up the majority of my free time.  Life is complicated enough without trying to figure out who to vote for.  It seems to me the candidates speak the same language but use slightly different words.  The only thing I cared to vote for this year was the measure that would legalize medical marijuana in North Dakota.  Now, I believe in the medicinal use of marijuana.  I have ever since my sister, Saucy Serita, told me about her oldest son's mother-in-law who died from pancreatic cancer.  She took chemotherapy and that didn't do her any good.  The cancer shrunk the tumors for about 2 months and then it just got bigger, like the chemo was feeding it.  She got sicker than a dog and couldn't eat a thing for many months, food had no taste and it stuck in her throat. When the doctors told her there was nothing more they could do she went home to die. That's where the marijuana comes in.  One of her grandsons who had been to college had heard about the medicinal properties of marijuana and thought maybe his Grammy should try it.  The family all knew there was no cure, but their hearts were broken as they watched her vomit and writhe in pain. Saucy said they'd do anything in their power to give her one good day. The grandson told the family that he'd read about cancer patients using marijuana to help their appetite and relieve their pain.  It was agreed that the grandson would talk to Grammy and see if she'd try it.  I'm thinking the grandson knew where to get marijuana, Saucy won't admit to that, though.  Well, anyway, lo and behold, Grammy agreed to try it. The grandson sat with her and together they smoked a joint. Soon afterward Grammy announced she wanted to go out to eat. (She hadn't left the house or had anything to eat in weeks except a can or so of Ensure.)  The family all piled in cars and headed to Grammy's favorite place, Famous Daves.  She ordered the full rack of ribs with cole slaw and a cob of corn slathered in butter. She asked for a glass of red wine. To everyone's amazement she ate every bite and asked for more.  They brought the dessert cart to the table and she ordered the double chocolate cheesecake. Grammy was hungry and had no pain!  It was a miracle! They laughed and told stories and drank more wine until the restaurant manager told them they were closing up. Unfortunately, after that night Grammy wouldn't try anymore marijuana. Serita said it was like she knew she'd had her one good night and now it was time to say good-bye.  She didn't want to push her luck.  Now I say, if marijuana can do that for even one person, why can't it be legal?  It was taken off the ballot in North Dakota because the petition signatures were found to be fraudulent. Now that gets my gord up-- I wanted to vote for something that mattered.  Obama or Romney or Heidi or Rick or Ryan, it's pretty much business as usual no matter who wins. Now medical marijuana,  that could make a difference! 

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