Wednesday, September 12, 2012


This part-dying, part dead tree has graced our back yard since we moved here 4 years ago.  Lenny has wanted to chop it down, but I've held him back.  I wanted to give it a chance to revive itself.  It must have been a beautiful, shade giving tree in it's glory days.  I cringe at cutting down trees, they take so long to grow tall and lush.  But after 4 years and continued decline, I gave in.  It was becoming an eye sore in our back yard. 
It was a feat of lumber jack engineering to make the cuts just right to fell the tree in the proper place.  I ran as far away from the house as I could, just in case the best of planning didn't work out!  (After I checked our home insurance policy.)  I should have trusted my man, the tree went down in almost the exact spot he wanted it to.   He did enlist the help of a neighbor who came with extra chains and ropes to ensure the success of the project. 

  Now all that remains is to pick up the peices, and there are many--  looks like there will be plenty of wood for cozy fires this winter. I like to think that tree would be happy that it provided shade for countless summers and now will give comfort and warmth for a winter season. 


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