Tuesday, September 18, 2012


I'm sitting in a charming new coffee shop, Beaver Brew Cafe, on my day off, sipping a Vanilla Soy Latte. Beaver Brew Cafe is a project of the Minot State University Entrepreneurship Club, and is run by students. Impressive! As it seems to be a day to try new things, I'm going to write and post a blog on my I-Pad while sitting in this comfy chair by the fireplace. Until now I've only used my laptop for writing my blog. I haven't taken the time to discover how to tap the right buttons and make a blog come forth on this magic (to me, anyway) device. The atmosphere in this cafe inspires creativity and makes anything seem possible. It's just that kind of place. If you're reading this post you'll know I was successful!


  1. Yay for you! I have an Acer Iconia and I am having trouble posting much of a blog from it, mostly because I can't always get a photo to it.

  2. Hi Pam! Over the past few weeks I have had your blog open on my iPad and when I have a few minutes here and there I have made it through your blog back to the beginning. You are one funny lady :) It's nice to just read about the simple things, but I love Salty Sal and your RN shift reports of course! I miss you all at cancer center :)
