Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Whispering Pines

It was a very busy week.  I started off last Monday morning by backing into my stepson's pick-up as I scooted out of the driveway on my way to work.  Not such a good start to the week.  Alas, it can all be fixed.  I know that, but I berated myself for being so careless.  What if it would've been a child behind me that I didn't see?  The possibilities frightened me. I was thinking I should never drive again, I wasn't safe. These things happen so fast.  But after waking up Nathan and showing him the damage I did to his new pick-up I shakily got in my car and got myself to work.  My first encounter at the clinic was with a woman near my age who was living with recurrent breast cancer.  How could I worry about a few dents and scratches in vehicles when I have a healthy body?  I climbed down off my pity and worry potty and got on with the day.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, those patients sure have a way of putting life into perspective now, don't they?
