Friday, June 1, 2012

Salty Sal

My sister, Saucy Serita, has supersonic hearing, always listening for juicy conversations. She told me just yesterday that she was out at the mall in the lingerie department at Herberger's buying a new bra (they had a good sale) when she overheard two young women trying on bras.  They were bragging about the breast implants their husbands had bought them.  They had gone from a 'B' cup to a 'D' cup with just a nip and a silicone implant.  Now they could wear tops down to their navels and show off their expensive additions. Saucy told me that got her thinking about giving her double A's a surgical boost as she'd noticed her hubby staring at well endowed women when they were out. Well, I had to set her straight.  First of all, why would any women in her right mind want to go under the knife for bigger boobies?  Does she not understand that any time anesthesia is given there are high risks involved? And that sometimes the implants leak or go flat or get infected? And to do that for a man?  I'd tell him that if he gets in line for enhancement I'll think about getting in line for implants. But then, all men need to do is take a pill to increase size, we women are willing to desecrate our bodies for  a few bra sizes. Nonsense!  I told her to buy a padded, push-up bra if she needed to base her self-esteem on the size of her chest. That is, until the equivalent of a pill like Viagra comes out for breasts. Ha, then I'd have me a good laugh if her man took the wrong pill and got killer cleavage!  


  1. OMG....I LOVE IT!!!! KILLER CLEAVAGE!!! That is so funny, Salty Sal! You are so right - who would want to do this??? Take what God gave you and be thankful. There's so much more to life than boobs and a penis. In my salty opinion.

  2. I love Salty Sal! Ask her what she thinks about fixing Chicken Neck
