Saturday, April 5, 2014

Pausing for Poetry

Since April is National Poetry Month, I've decided to post a poem every few days, or so. (How's that for committing?!)  Poetry thrills me. I love economy of words. I'm not a talker so I'm impressed when something profound can be expresed in a few well chosen words. A good poem can bring me delight, wonder, sorrow. It can make my mind soar with questions that have no answers. Or it can bring what I most desire; peace.  With that introduction, following is my first selection.


One mine the Indians worked had
gold so good they left it there
for God to keep.

At night sometimes you think
your way that far, that deep,
or almost.

You hold all things or not, depending
not on greed but whether they suit what
life begins to mean.

Like those workers you study what moves,
what stays. You bow, and then, like them,
you know--

What's God, what's world, what's gold.

                                               --William Stafford

1 comment:

  1. I think that is one of those poems that a person can read over and over and still find new insights.
