Wednesday, November 28, 2012

November 28, 2012

Dear Diary, Today was a usual kind of day.  No big news, no hilarious stories to tell, no strange happenings to report.  I got out of bed at 7AM, put my two feet on the floor and began my morning routine.  I went to the kitchen, turned on the coffee (jolt of caffeine), poured my orange juice (jolt of sugar), and gave the cat her treat.  She had been bothering me for the last hour, batting my head on the pillow and making pitiful noises. She gets much more sleep than I do, can't she give me an extra half hour or so?!  After my shower, I spent some time putting on make-up while listening to NPR.  I so enjoy my make-up routine.  The sparkly pots and colorful compacts make me feel feminine and pretty.  It takes me back to my teen-age years when I loved to experiment with the colors of Bonne Bell and Maybelline.  "Teen Magazine" gave me tips on how to apply lip gloss and eye shadow. I was a pimply-faced adolescent and very self conscious. Chocolate and french fries were the enemy and I loved chocolate and french fries!  I still get the occasional pimple, but I don't blame 
myself for indulging in the wrong foods.  Now I put the blame on  hormones, plain and simple; spruce myself up with make-up and go on with my day!

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