Sunday, September 30, 2012

September 30, 2012

Dear Diary, It was a lovely fall week-end.  Now that Lenny is gone from home all week, I look forward to the week-end like a teen-age girl anticipating a Friday night date.  I must say it does put some new excitement in our relationship. On this past Friday my brother Darrel and his wife, Teresa, invited us to their new home (unfinished) for beverages and a snack.  It was truly an "Open House", as there are windows but no doors and 2X4's for walls!    

Can't wait for the finished product!  (and indoor bathrooms!)

On Saturday we got up early and after a yummy breakfast of eggs, sausage, and hashbrowns at our favorite breakfast place we set out to Lake Sakakawea to do some fishing. Good thing we had Plan B for supper as no fishies were caught.  :(

On Sunday I became domestic and gathered up lavender from my flower garden to dry. It sure smells good!

Sunday evening Lenny and I sat on the front step at dusk, watched and listened as the fall wind picked up speed and blew gusts that rendered bright, colorfully dressed trees nearly naked. Dark clouds moved in from the west and mounted on one another and seemed to  forecast cool weather to follow.

It was a grand week-end of enjoying one season pushing into another, cherishing the end of one and looking forward to the beginning of the next. 

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