Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The News From Whispering Pines

It's been a pretty good week.  Since the grass is turning green and the apple blossoms are bursting out I decided it was time to let my feet go naked. When I pulled off my socks and took a close look, it was obvious they needed some serious attention. I don't have the prettiest feet, (I inherited funky bunions from my grandmother), but they have done an amazing job over the years of getting me where I need to go. I scheduled a pedicure at a local salon as I wanted them to feel loved and appreciated for all the places they've taken me.  Rachel from Canada was just the person my feet needed. She put me in a large chair that made me feel like a queen in a throne and got to work. After soaking my tootsies in warm, soapy water she massaged my feet and lower legs like she was making love to them.  Oh my. Feet aren't considered sexy like some other parts of the body, but is there anything more sensuous than having your feet rubbed or squishing your toes in the first green grass of spring? It put me in a meditative state where I thanked God for my feet and all they do for me and asked for blessings on their future travels. Who knows where they'll take me? It's always an adventure, this journey of life. I picked out a sparkly purple polish to decorate them and Rachel applied it perfectly. 

My feet are now ready to show up in sandals, wherever that may be.