Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The News From Whispering Pines

It was a good week. With the best part being last week-end when David and Jenilee came to Minot for a few days. Since David's birthday is today, we celebrated on Saturday evening by having them and Jenilee's parents over for dinner. Lenny grilled steaks and I made a big green salad loaded with crisp vegies. Great start of spring meal! Jenilee and her mom brought the "made from scratch" cake. Wow, was that ever good. It was chocolate with chocolate frosting and they brought mint chip ice cream to go with the cake. I had never had that combo before and let me tell you, it was delicious!
Since David and Jenilee bought their first home last summer, I went to the Craftsman department at Sears looking for a gift fit for a new homeowner. I decided on an electric leaf blower/sucker, knowing what a tedious job picking up leaves from small spaces can be.
David seemed to be pleased with the gift, although not nearly as pleased as he was with the poster from his wife about making lemons out of lemonade (inside joke, apparently!).
Lenny and Jenilee looked on while David opened his presents.
A good time was had by all!

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