Thursday, August 18, 2011

The News From Whispering Pines

Mr. and Mrs. Brewer needed to make a tough decision this past week. They both have been feeling terribly guilty and unsettled about the lack of time they have to give their little dog, Daisy, the attention she needs and craves. Mr. Brewer is usually gone 10-12 hours each week-day and often overnight. Mrs. Brewer is gone 8-10 hours each week-day. Neither one of them is able to come home during lunch to let her outside. They don't have a fenced in yard. Little Miss Daisy loves children and other pets. She is quite social and amiable. She doesn't bark. She likes to sleep curled up between the Brewers. On Monday of this week it just so happened that Daisy ran away. Mrs. Brewer let her out in the morning, as usual. She always comes home right after her business. Not on Monday. When she still wasn't home that evening, Mr. Brewer combed the neighborhood whistling and calling her name, to no avail. On Tuesday morning Mrs. Brewer got a call from one of the neighbors who lives around the bend. Seems they had found Daisy and taken her home. Their two children had fallen in love with her within minutes. The mom said what a good dog she was. She was quite taken aback when Mrs. Brewer asked if they'd like to keep Daisy. She said she'd have to discuss it with her family and let them know. Lo and behold, that evening a van pulled up in the Brewer's driveway and the family got out. The two children were cuddling Daisy. They were crying. They had fallen in love with Daisy and were afraid the Brewers would change their minds and want Daisy back. The Brewers didn't want to let her go, but they just couldn't give Daisy what she needed. The parents had talked about it and decided they could keep her. Mrs. Brewer gathered up Daisy's things; her leash, her food, her bed, her vaccination record, and handed then over to the new owners. The Brewers loved on Daisy while saying good-bye, comforted by 10 year-old Kaden's promises that he'd stop by to visit when he took Daisy out for a walk in the evenings. It was the right thing to do. She'll be well loved and cared for.

Daisy's new family.


  1. That was a very brave and kind thing to do.

  2. How sswweeettt. They look like they are absolutely in love with her. We're happy for daisy.
