Sunday, November 22, 2015

Sunday Summary

I started the week by visitng the salon for a beauty treatment in preparation for the up-coming wedding of my nephew. 
Earth to Pam...

Lenny put up Christmas lights while the temps were still in the 40's.
Good job with the ladder, Safety Man!

These wild turkeys are oblivious to the up-coming holiday--run, turkeys, run!

On Friday Lenny and I went to Sommerset, a local assissted living center, to listen to an old time band. I danced the waltz with a 95 year old gentleman. He was a much better dancer than me. I asked him to teach me and he said three things. Don't be so stiff, move to the music and take smaller steps. I've been thinking about that lesson. I need to apply it to the dance of my life. In other words; Lighten up, go with the flow and take time. 

I found this poem and wanted to share it with my dear, devoted readers. It describes November in North Dakota perfectly. 
Happy Thanksgiving! 

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