1. I have a past and a future. I'm fortunate enough to have been raised by my parents on land that my grandparents farmed and raised their family on. The grave yard by the country church that my great-grandparents attended holds several generations of family members. I'm grounded in that heritage. On the other hand, I have children and grandchildren that keep me looking to the future.
2. I can predict what's going to happen in certain circumstances. I
don't have ESP, I have years of experience. Of course, that's not alway a good thing...
3. I like being ordinary. When I was younger, I imagined I would be an important person at some point in my life. I had daydreams of being Miss America or the next Eleanor Roosevelt. Didn't happen. Not even close. At this point, I've realized that ordinary is important enough.
4. I have more freedom than I've ever had before. One of those freedoms is the leveling out of hormones that tend to go wild in women.
5. I get to watch grandchildren bloom and grow and say, "I love you, Gramma." Need I say more?
I can't really identify so well with #1, but that was what I'd always wished I'd had. However, one of the good things about aging is that I now see that my gypsy upbringing also had some good points. I can feel at home almost anywhere. #3 spoke to me, except I never did think I'd be one of the greats. I enjoy being special only in my own little family circle. And doesn't #5 make up for any of the bad things you mentioned in your previous post? Last week Elise shouted "DRAMMA!" from across the sanctuary as I went up for communion. I loved it. I should have shouted her name back at her, huh?