Wednesday, April 10, 2013

April 10, 2013

Dear Diary, It's Wednesday and I know my dear readers will be expecting a blog post.  I am not one to disappoint!  It's been a blue week.  I'm back from my trip to California where I spent the past week with my son, his wife, and my 3 year old grandson.  After being with them it's hard to come home and be thousands of miles away, again.  I miss them terribly.  And Lenny is quite ill with pneumonia.  I think he picked up a bad bug on the crowded airplane.  He's miserable and there's not much I can do. "Tincture of time" is the hardest medicine for him. Added to that, all of the people struggling with cancer at the clinic where I work didn't miraculously get healed while I was gone!  I think it would help if spring would sprout.  I'm longing to get outside and see some green poke up through the ground. Maybe next week. 

"After all, tomorrow is another day."  ...Margaret Mitchell


1 comment:

  1. "Get well" to Lenny. Sorry you've both had a blue week.
