Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Dear Diary, Sundays can be meloncholy days for me and this past one was no exception. Lenny had been home for less then 24 hours and was called back to work in the middle of the night.  The oil field is a harsh task master. Fuel for our lifestyle is of those things we all take for granted. Need to get to work, go to school, go shopping? Pull up to the gas pump and fill your tank.  Chilly? Turn up the thermostat. Where would we be without oil?  Believe me, there is a dark side that future generations are going to pay dearly for.  Our great-great grandchildren are going to wonder what we were thinking.  It's more monumental of an issue than abortion or gay marriage or the national debt. But who wants to think that our insatiable appetite for oil is going to kill all of us in one way or another.  I'm just sayin'.  It's not sustainable. These are the things I think about on Sundays when the rest of the world is watching football, baking cookies and decorating for Christmas.  I envy them.


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