Saturday, August 11, 2012

Pausing for Poetry

This curly-headed almost 3 yr old
Nestled his slippery bathed body
Against my chest and sank in for a story.
We read about Dora's Eggs and Smudge as
His boundless energy slowed
For a bit and he put his thumb in his mouth
And relaxed as I quietly, slowly read
The stories he loves.

Parker was here for just a week. 
Now that he's gone our house is bleak. 

Thomas the Train was chugging every day
Bringing the cows in the toy farm fresh bales of hay.

Play Dough was stuck to the floor.
Hugs and kisses were given, galore.

Peanut butter and jelly were spread for every meal,
Milk spilled on the floor was not a big deal. 

"It happens sometimes, Gramma",
Parker said when things went wrong.

Wisdom from an almost 3 year old,
So smart I think I'll go along. 

On Saturday we went to the State Fair
Found tractors and animals everywhere.
We had an early birthday party that night
 Uncle David and Aunt Jenilee made it just right.  

Now Play Dough is scraped off the floor
Finger prints are wiped from the door.

Books and toys are put away
Thomas the Train is backed into the bay.

I know in my head I must let go,
but it's news my heart doesn't know.

I'l see you soon my family dear,
That we loved your visit, it's very clear!