Sunday, June 17, 2012

Second Annual Sabbath Week

As my dear readers may recall it was one year ago that Lenny and I enjoyed a vacation week at a cabin at Wilderness Bay Resort in Minnesota.  (Actually it wasn't quite a week; we had to cut it short by a few days when our basement at home was flooding.) We had such a good time that we went back in September when the leaves were changing and now we're back once again!  We've been looking forward to this week since way last winter.  As my dear readers may also recall, it was yours truly that caught the biggest fish both times!  Lenny is determined not to let that happen again--we'll see. 

Our cozy livingroom for the week. 

The neighbors stopped by. 

Lenny doing what he does best!  Yumm...

Stay's going to be a good week.  

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