Saturday, March 10, 2012

The News From Whispering Pines

It's been a fairly good, but tough week. There have been a few bumps in the road. That's what life is, I guess. Sometimes dodging the bumps and sometimes stumbling over them. The main thing is to get over them! I finished the quilt top I've been working on all winter. I do like to see spring come, but I'm always a bit sad that quilting season has moved on. The colors in this particular quilt reminds me of our long week-end at the cabin in the Minnesota woods last fall. I would love to hand-quilt this beauty, but I'm afraid it wouldn't be done until the year 2525. I haven't decided yet exactly how it should be finished. With love, that I know for sure!
I put the ingredients for Beef Stroganoff in the Crock Pat around noon today and by 6PM the meat was all tenderized and the onion and green pepper were soft and yummy. I listened to A Prairie Home Companion with Garrison Keillor on the radio while putting the final touches on the meal. He inspires me every Saturday with his variety show of music and comedy. He always has a deeper message than meets the "ear". Finally the meal was ready and we ate heartily of Beef Stroganoff over Noodles with a wonderful crispy green vegetable salad. Now I'm thinking about going to bed and losing an hour of sleep. I much prefer the fall time change!


  1. Oh your quilt top is beautiful! AND, I don't believe quilting season is over unless you say it is over. Last Summer I found myself sitting on a beach crocheting. Rules are made to be broken my friend!
