Saturday, February 25, 2012

The News From Whispering Pines

It's been a pretty good week. The best part of it so far is Saturday and Sunday! There was plenty of drama at my job this week. Taking care of patients is the easy part--work place politics is enough to put me over the edge. Next week, I'll be smarter--I'll just do my job and keep my mouth shut. Yeah, right! This morning we took our annual pilgrimage to H&R Block. Wow, it's painful. I'm grateful that Lenny and I have good jobs, but we need more deductions! As we were sitting there I started thinking about what it would be like if each taxpayer could specify how they wanted their tax dollars spent. How would I spend mine? A large portion would go to cancer research. It's such a devastating disease, especially when it cuts a young person's life short. (and young gets older every day!) Another portion would go to National Parks. I think it's crucial that wild spaces be preserved. Nature is healing in many ways and a connection to the land is vital to the health of individuals and societies. It's unfortunate, but I would have to designate a portion to national defense. Evil is real and it's important to stand up for democracy and human rights everywhere. Usually it takes having force behind words to get rogue powers and principalities to take democracy seriously. I also like Head Start for children, WIC for mothers and children, National Endowment for the Arts and NPR. And bridges--when I go to San Francisco to visit my family I want the bridges to hold up!
I complain about paying taxes, but really, when I think about it living in the USA is a pretty good bang for the buck.

And so I ask my dear, discerning readers, how would you designate your tax dollars to be spent?

1 comment:

  1. I do so love getting to still know a bit of what is going on in your head. I like how you think.

    I'm sorry about the work-place drama. It sounded really familiar!

    As for taxes, I agree. Living in the USA is a pretty good bang for the buck. Well said, my friend!

    Also, I loved your last comment on my blog because you spoke of putting one foot in front of the other. You have no idea how many times I've had your words float through my head when I was tired. I've also quoted them to others... "just put one foot in front of the other."

    You are a wise woman.
