"Though I play at the edges of knowing, truly I know our part is not knowing, but looking, and touching, and loving..."
Mary Oliver
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Salty Sal
I'm not a big fan of the Olympics. The human body is a magnificent thing and the Olympic athletes showcase the potential of what is possible. It can be a beauty to behold. But really? I don'tthink for a minute that God gave us these capabilities to be better than one another. She/He gave them to us to serve ourselves and each another. Not to serve ourselves with million dollar contracts, but with the ability to survive and thrive in this world of trial and strife (also laced with joy and happiness). To spend a significant part of one's life training and practicing and sacrificing normal life to be the best at swimming, or running, or throwing a ball is just silly. If the world wants to celebrate endurance or tenacity or sacrifice they should have an Olympics with the following events: 1. Women giving birth. 2. Nurses working 12 hour shifts that often turn into 13-14 hours tending the sick and dying. 3. Educators who are often solely responsible for helping troubled children become happy, healthy people. 4. Police Officers who use their bodies as a shield to protect the innocent and sometimes protect people from their own worst selves. 5. I could go on and on with examples of the people out there who are doing miraculous things every day with their bodies and minds and don't care if they're doing it better than anyone else. They just do it.
Oh my, I've had those very same thoughts!