Salty Sal
I've been invited to a Pampered Chef Party. This always amazes me. Now, I ask you, who would invite you into their home and ask you to buy something? I think these so called "parties" make a mockery of hospitality. It's a marketing device intended to shame your friends into buying things they don't need and can't afford in order to save face at the party. I know, I've been to plenty of them. If I'm going to invite someone to my home I'm going to shower the best I have to offer on them, not ask them to buy something so that I can win hostess prizes. Needless to say, I'm not going to the "party". I may order something from the catalog because they do have good products and I need a garlic press, but I won't go to someone's home with the pretense of a "party". That's what I have to say on that subject. For now.................Salty Sal
(Salty Sal has hacked into this blog without permission and the proprieter of this blog may or may not approve of this post.)
I like Salty Sal. Thank you for saying the things that most of us would like to say, but don't. Hope you are doing well. I haven't responded lately - just a tad busy. Maybe we will see you at Thanksgiving.